Monday, June 10, 2013


These are the robots that we have created in English class. In each piece of work, we have added a writing with the description of the robot, and then we have recorded an audio with the same description. Hope you like them!!!!!!

3rd A:

Josep Maria, Alejandro De Jesús, Fiona and Ariadna Solé:
Our robot’s name is Juan Martinez.He was made in Florida.He is sixteen years old.He loves mussels and going to the beach but  he doesn’t like chillipeper and hot dogs. He loves ketchup and mustard!
He’s got  a head with one eye,two ears one mouth and two   noses.He’s got a body  with three arms, three fingers,two Legs and three toes but he hasn’t got feet.
He can play basketball but he can’t run.He can clean the Windows  but he can’t mop the floor.
Our robot costs: 3.000.000 €

Laia, Marc and Aura:

My robot name is Nicky. She was made in Japan.She is 10 years old.She loves fruit,chocolate,cake,eggs. She doesn’t like spinach,ice cream and fish. She loves sports!
She’s got a head with one eye,two ears,two mouths and two noses.She’s got a body with two necks,two arms,two hands and two fingers.She’s got two legs and two toes but she hasn’t got feet.
She can play football,play basket but she can’t play hokey, play tennis and swim.She can walk the dog but she can’t clean the Windows

Our robot costs 50.000€.

Candela, Melody and Miguel:

 Our  robot!
 Our robot’s name is Robocop.He was made  in U.S.A.He  is 22 years  old.He Loves eating  spaguetti and calsots and going to the beach but he doesn’t like fish and lentils.
He’s got a head  with two eyes ,one nose but he hasn’t got two ears and a mouth.He’s got a body with two  necks,one arm,one hand and  three fingers.He’s got three legs two toes and two feet.
He can play football,play  hochey and roderblade.He can clean the windows. He Can’t swim and ride a bike.
Our robot costs 22.000,00 €

Mariona, Pablo and Carme:

Our robot!
Our robot’s name  is Bobby. He was made in Italy .He is  18 years  old.He loves eating pizza and Pasta and fruit. He he has got seven friends.
He’s got a head with   one  eye, one ear ,one mouth and six noses .He ‘s got a body with four  arms ,he hasn ‘t got hands and a neck but he's got one finger .Hes’s got one leg , a foot and two toes.
He can play hockey and rollerblade.He can’t play football and tenis.He can sweep the floor but he can't mop the floor.
Our robot costs 5.000 €

Gorka, Mayka and Ali

Our robot!
Our robot´s name is Jake.He was made in Los Angeles, U.S.A.He is 17 years old.He loves pizza and dance in the disco, he doesn’t like calçots and rice.l He is  very beautiful!
He’s got a head with one eye, two noses  and two mouths. He’s got a body with two necks, one arm, three hands and two feet. He hasn’t got ears.
He can play football and basketball  but he can’t play hockey.He can sweep  the floor  and mop the floor  but  he  can’t  clean  the Windows.
Our robot costs 1.000.000. €

Manal, Oscar Muñoz, Emma and Adrián:

Our robot
Our robot name is Fernando.He is fourteen years old.He loves hot-dogs and cake but he doesn’t like  peas and onion.He always makes new friends!
He’s  got a head with three eyes,he hasn’t got ears, he hasn ‘t got a mouth but he has got  one nose.He’s got a body with one neck,four arms ,two hands but he hasn’t got fingers .He’s got four  legs but he hasn’t got toes and feet.
He can play football, rollerblade and sweep the floor.But he can’t play tennis and sew.
Our robot costs 100.000. €

 Oscar Perez, Nerea, Ariadna Pascual and Claudia:

 Our robot `s name is Onion.He was made in Hollywood.He is 20 years old. He loves eating  chocolate, going with the blue limusine and going to the beach. He doesn’t like Vegetables . We are friends and play all the time!
He`s got a head with one ear, one mouth, two noses and  he’s got a body with two hands, four fingers  but he hasn't got arms.
He can sweep the floor and play basketball,  but he can ‘t play  football and mop the floor.
He ‘s  got a limusin and Rex ,a duck-dog.
Our robot costs 3.000.000 €

Izan, Victoria and Alejandro Carrafa:
Our robot’s name is Andrea. She was made in USA. She is 9 years old- She loves eating tacos but she doesn’t like fish and oysters. She loves dancing at the disco!
She’s got a head with three eyes, two ears and a nose and a mouth. She has got a body with two arms, one leg and two feet. She hasn’t got fingers.
She can play football, play basketball, play poker and sweep the floor. She can’t play tennis, play hockey and sew.
Our robot costs 3.000.000. €

3rd B:

Mar Li, Noelia and Dylan:

Our robot´s name is Pau. He was made in Morocco.He is seven years old .He loves eating  spaguetti with carbonara sauce and Travelling with the boat, he doesn´t like spinach.
He ´s got a head with one eye and one mouth but he hasn´t got ears and a nose.He´s got a  body with one neck ,two arms,two hands,three fingers and two legs.
He can play basket , play tennis and mop the floor but he Can´t play baseball and clean the windows.
Our robot’s Price is 100.000.000€.          


Joan, Aitana and Alex Calvet:

Our robot´s name is Coco.He was made in Argentina.He is 10 years old.He loves going to the mountain and going to the school, he doesn´t like vegetables and kebabs.He likes studiyng English!
He´s got a head with two eyes,one nose,one neck,but he hasn´t got ears and he hasn´t got a mouth.He´s got two arms,three fingers,but he hasn´t got hands.He´s got one leg,three toes,two feet.
He can play football and basketball and water the plants.He can´t play gimnastics and iron.
Our robot costs 100.000.000. €.

Alex Montàvez, Benjamín and Paula:

Our robot!
Our robot’s name  is Antenita . He was made in Los Angeles , USA.He is twenty three years old.He loves eating ice cream and macarroni with tomato sauce but he dosen`t like  apple and  pear.He ‘s got a good connection!
He’s got one head ,one eye ,one ear and one mouth.But  he hasn’t  got a nose .He’s  got a body with two necks,Three  arms, three  hands, and  four  fingers, our  robot’ s got       two legs.
He  can play  football  and   play  baseball and mop the floor.  He can’t  play hockey . He can’t  sew  and sweep  the  floor.

Our  robot costs 9.000.000 €.

Aleix, Carlota and Alexandra:


Our robot’s name is Rovocop2.He was made in England.He is eighteen years old.He loves chocolate ,fruit and cheese.He doesn`t like vegetables and salad. He is very funny!
He’s got a head with one mouth and one eye but  he Hasn’t  got a nose.He’s got a body  with  two  necks,one arm,five hands ,but he hasn’t got legs.
He can play football,skate and hockey but he can’t play basketball,swim and fly.

Our robot  costs 10.000. €

Rubén, Joel and Ferdaws:

Our robot’s name is Tiger. He was  made in Spain .He is nine years old. He loves eating chicken  and tacos . He  doesn’t like cheese and spinach.
He’s got a head with two mouths, two noses, two    ears and three eyes. He’s got a body with one neck , two arms, two hands ,one finger, three legs, two toes and two feet.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
He can play football, play tennis and clean the windows. HE can't swim and fly.
Our robot costs 70.000€

Judith, Yeray and Claudia:

Our robot´s name is Craft.He was made in Switzerland.He is 9 years old.He loves eating ice cream and  panini but  he dosen´t like spinach and tacos. Our robot loves robot girls!
He´s got a  head  with one nose, two eyes  and one mouth  but he hasn´t got ears.He´s  got a body with one arm ,two hands and four fingers .He´s  got  two  legs  ,two feet  and one toe. 
He can play fotball,swim, play tennis and clean  the Windows but he can’t play basketball and mop the floor.
Our robot costs 7.000€.

Nabil, Yesica, Alejandro Martín and Kevin:

Our robot!
Our robot’s name is Abel .He was made in Chile.He is twenty one years old. He  loves eating tacos , fruit and play with the tablet but he doesn't like salad and hot dog.
HE’s got a head with one eye, one nose and four mouths. He’s got a body with one arm, one hand,  two legs and two feet. Our robot hasn’t got necks, fingers and toes.
He can  clean the windows , play fotball and mop the floor but he can´t play  basketball.

Our robot costs 21.000.000. €

Oscar, Ainhoa and Marc:
Our robot!
Our robot’s name is Mario. He was made in New-York ( USA). He is 9 years old. He loves fast food : hot dog,burger,tacos and chips. Our robot is very handsome!
He’s got one head with two mouths, one nose, one eye and two ears. He’s got a body with two necks two arms, one finger, two legs and one toe.
He can play  football, play hockey, play tennis, play baseball and sweep the floor. He can’t play volleyball and mop the floor.

Our robot’s Price is  100.000.000€.


  1. M'agraden molt els dibuixos

  2. M'agradat molts els videos de tots els companys

  3. mari mama de Ruben BadiaJune 16, 2013 at 10:50 PM

    bonisisimmmmm molts xulos els dibuixos i videos.

  4. màgrada el video perque tots els dibuixos son molt xulos!!!!

  5. M´agradat molt veure els dibuixos i escoltar com parlem l´anglès.
